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    Is NCERT enough for BITSAT? All you need to know (2024)

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    is NCERT enough BITSAT
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      Is NCERT sufficient for BITSAT? Many students wonder about its adequacy. Understanding this concern is crucial for those preparing for the BITSAT exam. 

      With myriad study materials available, students often feel overwhelmed and seek clarity. This article demystifies the confusion surrounding NCERT’s relevance. It offers practical insights, tips, and resources tailored to BITSAT aspirants. 

      By addressing common queries and providing actionable advice, this piece aims to streamline your preparation process. From deciphering exam patterns to optimising study strategies, we unravel the essentials. Empowering you with informed choices, we ensure your BITSAT journey is well-guided and effective.

      Is NCERT truly sufficient for success in BITSAT?

      The Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Admission Test (BITSAT) is a highly competitive exam for admission to undergraduate engineering programs at BITS Pilani campuses. Many students wonder if the NCERT textbooks are enough to succeed in BITSAT. Let’s explore the strengths and limitations of NCERT for BITSAT preparation:

      NCERT for BITSAT

      NCERT textbooks serve as the foundation for BITSAT preparation. They provide fundamental concepts and theories essential for understanding various subjects tested in the BITSAT exam:


      1) Covers Major Concepts Across Subjects:

      NCERT textbooks meticulously outline the core concepts tested in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics for BITSAT. They systematically cover essential topics like Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Organic Chemistry, Calculus, and more. Mastering these fundamentals builds a strong foundation for tackling advanced questions.

      2) Strong Foundation for Complex Phenomena:

      NCERT doesn’t simply list facts; it explains them thoroughly. Each concept is broken down into manageable steps, making it easier to grasp even complex phenomena. This in-depth understanding becomes crucial when attempting questions that delve deeper into the subject matter.

      3) Clear Explanations and Well-Illustrated Diagrams:

      NCERT textbooks are known for their clear and concise explanations. They avoid overly technical language, making the content accessible to students of all learning styles. Additionally, numerous diagrams and illustrations visually represent complex concepts, aiding in better understanding and retention.

      4) Affordable and Readily Available Resources:

      NCERT textbooks are incredibly affordable compared to other reference materials for competitive exams. They are also readily available online and in bookstores across the country. This accessibility removes financial barriers and ensures everyone has equal opportunity to excel in their preparation.

      5) Aligns with the Conceptual Foundation Tested in BITSAT:

      BITSAT emphasises conceptual understanding rather than rote memorization. NCERT textbooks align perfectly with this approach. They focus on building a strong foundation in core concepts, which empowers you to apply your knowledge to various problem-solving scenarios encountered in the exam.

      However, it’s crucial to recognize the limitations of relying solely on NCERT textbooks for BITSAT preparation.

      Limitations of NCERT for BITSAT

      NCERT textbooks are widely recommended for building a strong foundation for competitive exams like BITSAT. However, relying solely on NCERT might not be enough to secure a top score. Let’s explore some key limitations of NCERT for BITSAT:

      limitations NCERT BITSAT

      1) Limited Depth in Certain Advanced Topics:

      While NCERT covers essential concepts, it might not delve deep into advanced topics tested in BITSAT, particularly in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. For example, NCERT might only introduce complex numbers, while BITSAT might test applications and advanced properties. This could leave you unprepared for questions requiring a deeper understanding.

      2) Lacks Specific Problem-Solving Techniques:

      NCERT focuses on explaining concepts but might not provide specific problem-solving techniques needed for BITSAT-style questions. These questions often involve unconventional approaches, shortcuts, and critical thinking skills. Without additional resources and practice, you might struggle to apply your knowledge effectively in the exam.

      3) Doesn’t Cover the Entire BITSAT Syllabus:

      NCERT primarily focuses on science and mathematics, while BITSAT also includes English and Logical Reasoning sections. These sections assess critical thinking, reading comprehension, and analytical skills. NCERT doesn’t offer specific preparation for these areas, leaving you with a gap in your overall exam coverage.

      4) Focuses More on Theoretical Understanding than Application:

      NCERT excels at explaining theoretical concepts, but application-based questions are crucial for BITSAT success. The exam often tests your ability to apply theoretical knowledge to solve real-world problems. NCERT might not provide enough practice with this type of question, potentially hindering your problem-solving speed and accuracy in the exam.

      To enhance your preparation and optimise your chances of success, exploring additional resources is imperative.

      Beyond NCERT: Additional Resources for Success in BITSAT

      Supplementary study materials, such as reference books, online resources, and practice tests, can augment your understanding and proficiency in subjects crucial for BITSAT:

      Recommended resources for Specific Topics:

      Maths (Solve JEE level)

      Level 1 and 2 of Coaching Module/Reference Book:

      • While NCERT provides a strong foundation, solving problems at the JEE level helps develop a deeper understanding of concepts and the ability to tackle challenging questions.
      • Coaching modules or reference books typically categorise problems into difficulty levels. Level 1 and 2 problems in these resources are a good starting point for BITSAT preparation.
      • By practising these problems, you will develop essential problem-solving skills and gain exposure to diverse question types.


      NCERT Exemplar:

      • The NCERT Exemplar book goes beyond the basic concepts covered in NCERT textbooks and provides additional problems to challenge your understanding.
      • Solving these problems will help you develop a deeper understanding of chemical concepts and improve your problem-solving abilities.

      Level 1 of any coaching module:

      • Similar to Maths, coaching modules or reference books often categorise chemistry problems into difficulty levels.
      • Level 1 problems in these resources will provide good practice for BITSAT and help you develop a strong foundation for attempting more challenging questions.


      Level 1 of any coaching module:

      • As with Maths and Chemistry, coaching modules or reference books categorise physics problems into difficulty levels.
      • Focus on Level 1 problems to solidify your understanding of fundamental concepts and develop your problem-solving abilities.
      • Practising these problems will prepare you for the range of questions you might encounter in the BITSAT physics section.
      • Must do: Solve at least last 5 years JEE Previous Year Questions (PYQs) of PCM

      Previous Year Questions (PYQs):

      • Solving past exam papers is an essential step in your BITSAT preparation journey.
      • Focus on solving the Physics, Chemistry, and Maths (PCM) sections of the JEE Previous Year Question papers for the last 5 years.
      • By attempting these questions, you will gain valuable insights into the exam format, question types, and difficulty level.
      • Analysing your performance in PYQs will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to tailor your preparation strategy accordingly. 

      Mock Tests and Practice Papers:

      • Regular practice with mock tests and practice papers simulating the BITSAT format is crucial. Look for resources that offer:
      • BITSAT-specific format: Ensure the mock tests replicate the actual exam pattern, including the number of questions, time limit, and marking scheme.
      • Difficulty level: Choose mock tests that gradually increase in difficulty as you progress, mirroring the actual exam’s challenge level.
      • Detailed analysis: Analyse your performance after each mock test, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and focus on improving weaker areas.

      Bonus Tip: Opt for Phodu Club’s BITSAT Test Series

      Sharpen your skills and conquer negative marking anxiety with Phodu Club’s comprehensive BITSAT Test Series. Get access to 15 mock tests designed to simulate the actual exam environment, detailed analysis to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and expert guidance to help you improve your score. 

      Enrol now and ace your BITSAT!

      Importance of Active Learning and Problem-Solving Practice:

      BITSAT is not just about memorising facts; it tests your ability to apply concepts and solve problems. Here’s how active learning and problem-solving practice can help:

      Active learning: Go beyond passive reading. Engage with the material by asking questions, summarising key points, and explaining concepts to others. This helps you retain information better and develop a deeper understanding.

      Problem-solving practice: Regularly solve problems from various sources, including mock tests, previous years’ papers, and topic-specific practice books. This hones your problem-solving skills, builds confidence, and helps you tackle different question types effectively.

      Let’s now discuss how to strike a balance between utilising NCERT and integrating other resources effectively for BITSAT preparation.

      BITSAT Strategic Approach: Balancing NCERT and Other Resources

      Succeeding in the BITSAT exam requires a smart and balanced approach to studying. This involves effectively blending the NCERT textbooks with other resources to solidify your understanding and practice for the diverse question types encountered in the exam. Here’s a breakdown of key strategies to help you ace BITSAT:

      BITSAT strategic approach

      1) Analyse your strengths and weaknesses in each subject.

      Before diving into resources, spend time honestly evaluating your current understanding of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology (if applicable), and English. Identify topics you grasp well and those that require extra attention. This self-assessment helps you prioritise your study efforts and choose resources that target your specific needs.

      2) Prioritise NCERT for building a strong conceptual base.

      The NCERT textbooks form the bedrock of your BITSAT preparation. They provide clear explanations, fundamental concepts, and essential formulas across all subjects. Meticulously study each chapter, grasp the core ideas, and solve the NCERT in-text and exercise questions. This builds a strong foundation for tackling advanced problems later.

      3) Use additional resources strategically for advanced topics and practice.

      Once you have a solid grasp of the NCERT, explore other resources to delve deeper into complex topics and practise various question formats. Here’s how to choose them wisely:

      • Reference books: Opt for well-regarded reference books like Arihant, MTG, or Pathfinder for subject-specific in-depth explanations, additional solved examples, and practice problems. Choose books aligned with the BITSAT syllabus and difficulty level.
      • Online resources: Utilise platforms like Khan Academy, Byju’s, or Vedantu for video lectures, topic-wise practice questions, and mock tests. These interactive resources can visually explain concepts and offer instant feedback on your practice.

      4) Develop time management and test-taking skills through mock tests.

      BITSAT tests your ability to solve problems quickly and accurately under pressure. Mock tests help you simulate the actual exam environment and develop essential time management and test-taking skills. Regularly take full-length mock tests under timed conditions, analyse your performance, identify areas for improvement, and adjust your study strategy accordingly.

      5) Maintain a consistent study schedule and revision plan.

      Consistency is key to success. Create a realistic study schedule that allocates dedicated time for each subject, considering your strengths, weaknesses, and exam weightage. Include time for mock tests, revision, and breaks to avoid burnout. Revise regularly to solidify concepts and ensure long-term knowledge retention.

      Remember, effectively balancing NCERT and other resources is crucial for BITSAT preparation. By understanding your strengths, prioritising the NCERT, using additional resources strategically, practising with mock tests, and maintaining a consistent study plan, you can approach the exam with confidence and achieve your desired score.

      Additional Tips:

      • Focus on understanding, not just memorization. Rote learning won’t suffice in BITSAT. Aim to truly grasp concepts and apply them to solve different problem types.
      • Form study groups or find a mentor. Discussing concepts and solving problems with peers or a mentor can solidify your understanding and offer different perspectives.
      • Stay motivated and positive. BITSAT preparation requires dedication and focus. Stay motivated by setting realistic goals, rewarding yourself for achievements, and believing in your ability to succeed.

      By following these strategies and tailoring them to your individual learning style, you can crack the BITSAT code and step closer to your dream college!


      In conclusion, relying solely on NCERT for BITSAT may not suffice. BITSAT demands a broader understanding beyond NCERT textbooks. While NCERT forms a solid foundation, BITSAT questions delve into varied applications and problem-solving skills. 

      Supplement NCERT with reference books and online resources to grasp diverse concepts and practice extensively. Familiarise yourself with the BITSAT exam pattern and syllabus to optimise preparation. 

      Engage in regular mock tests to enhance speed and accuracy. Embrace a balanced study approach, incorporating NCERT and additional resources, to ace BITSAT with confidence. Remember, comprehensive preparation is key to success in the competitive BITSAT exam.

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      Ace BITSAT with our Test Series 👇