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120 Marks In JEE Mains Percentile

120 Marks JEE Mains Percentile
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The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Mains is a highly competitive exam, taken by hundreds of thousands of students across India each year, and is the first step for aspirants aiming to secure seats in prestigious engineering colleges such as the National Institutes of Technology (NITs), Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs), and other Government-Funded Technical Institutes (GFTIs). A critical element of this examination is understanding the percentile system, as it plays a significant role in ranking candidates and determining their admission eligibility. In this article, we will thoroughly discuss the percentile system, interpret what scoring 120 marks means in terms of percentile, analyse admission possibilities, and finally, provide strategic recommendations for students aiming to improve their percentile from this score benchmark.

Percentile System in JEE Mains

Percentile vs. Absolute Score

In competitive exams like JEE Mains, understanding percentile is crucial for candidates to gauge their performance and see how they stand in relation to other students. Let’s clarify the difference between the absolute score and the percentile score, as this is often a source of confusion for candidates and parents alike.

  • Definition of Percentile: Unlike an absolute score, which simply indicates the total marks out of 300 that a candidate has earned, the percentile is a relative measure. It reflects a candidate’s standing among the pool of examinees. For example, a percentile score of 90 means the candidate has scored higher than 90% of the candidates in that specific exam session.
  • Calculation of Percentile: The percentile score in JEE Mains is calculated based on the number of students who scored less than or equal to a particular candidate’s score in their respective session.
  • Here’s the basic formula for calculating percentile:

Percentile=(Number of candidates with marks ≤ candidate’s score/Total number of candidates)×100

For instance, if a candidate’s score places them above 80% of the students in their shift, they receive an 80th percentile. Percentile rankings are a means of comparing performance across the entire range of test-takers rather than an absolute score which simply indicates the number of correct responses.

Importance of Percentile in Large Exams: The JEE Mains exam is conducted across multiple days and shifts due to the large number of applicants, which makes percentile ranking essential for fair comparison. Percentiles normalise performance so that students in different shifts with varying levels of exam difficulty can still be fairly ranked against each other.

How Percentile Varies Across Exam Shifts

The JEE Mains exam is conducted in multiple shifts over several days, with different sets of question papers for each shift. Since some shifts may have slightly easier or harder papers than others, percentile ranking accounts for this variability.

  • Different Exam Sessions and Normalisation: Each exam session may see a unique distribution of scores based on question paper difficulty and student preparation levels. To address this, the National Testing Agency (NTA) applies normalisation across different sessions. This ensures that candidates’ scores can be fairly compared even if the difficulty of papers varies across sessions. By using statistical methods, normalisation adjusts scores to account for these differences, providing an equivalent percentile ranking for students in different shifts.
  • Role of Normalisation in Creating Fairness: Without normalisation, students who encounter a more challenging question paper in their shift would be unfairly disadvantaged. Normalisation, thus, levels the playing field, ensuring that the percentile score reflects a candidate’s performance in a way that accounts for question paper variations. This process is essential in large-scale exams like JEE Mains, where a large pool of students competes in various sessions.

JEE Main Expected Percentile for Scoring 120 Marks

Approximate Percentile for 120 Marks

For students scoring around 120 marks in JEE Mains, understanding their likely percentile range is important for assessing college admission opportunities. Percentile scores vary each year due to factors like the overall difficulty level of the exam and the collective performance of students.

Expected Percentile Range: Based on trends from previous years, a score of 120 generally corresponds to a percentile between 93 and 96. This range suggests that the candidate has performed better than approximately 93-96% of students who took the exam in the same shift. However, this percentile range is an estimate, as it can fluctuate based on annual variations in question paper difficulty and student performance distribution.

Analysis Based on Previous Years’ Data

Historical data from past JEE Mains exams indicate that scores in the range of 120 marks have consistently placed candidates within the 93-96 percentile range. However, slight variations in difficulty level, number of test-takers, and performance trends each year can lead to minor fluctuations in this percentile range.

JEE Main Percentile for 120 Marks

Marks RangeExpected Percentile Range
119.6 to 120.4 marks93.6+ percentile
120.4 to 121.2 marks93.7+ percentile
121.2 to 122 marks93.8+ percentile
122 to 122.8 marks93.9+ percentile
122.8 to 123.5 marks94+ percentile
123.5 to 124.3 marks94.1+ percentile
124.3 to 125 marks94.2+ percentile
125 to 125.8 marks94.3+ percentile
125.8 to 126.5 marks94.4+ percentile
126.5 to 127.3 marks94.5+ percentile
127.3 to 128 marks94.6+ percentile
128 to 128.8 marks94.7+ percentile
128.8 to 129.5 marks94.8+ percentile
129.5 to 130.3 marks94.9+ percentile

JEE Main Marks vs Percentile 2024

Marks out of 300RankPercentile
288- 29420-1199.99826992- 99.99890732
280-28444-2299.99617561 – 99.99790569
270-279107-6399.99034797 – 99.99417236
252- 268522-10699.95228621- 99.99016586
202-2144666-286299.57503767- 99.73930423
190-2006664- 483099.39319714- 99.56019541
175-18910746-715199.02150308 – 99.3487614
95-10176260-6699993.05600452 -93.89928202
89-9487219-7811192.05811248 -92.88745828
79-88109329-9014490.0448455 -91.79177119

Factors Affecting Percentile for 120 Marks 

Various factors influence the exact percentile associated with a score of 120 marks. These factors include the difficulty of the specific exam shift, the number of students taking that shift, and the average scores observed within the session.

  • Difficulty of the Specific Exam Shift: Each JEE Mains shift may have a different level of difficulty. If the shift is relatively challenging, a score of 120 might correspond to a higher percentile compared to an easier shift. This is because students in tougher shifts generally achieve lower average scores.
  • Number of Students Taking the Shift: The percentile score is also influenced by the number of candidates appearing in a particular session. In shifts with more students, a score of 120 might yield a slightly different percentile compared to shifts with fewer participants.
  • Variations in Average Scores per Session: Shifts with higher average scores can impact the percentile calculation, as a candidate’s score is compared to those around them. For example, a score of 120 in a shift with an exceptionally high average may yield a lower percentile compared to shifts where the average is lower.

Competitiveness of Scoring 120 Marks for College Admissions

Admission in NITs, IIITs, and GFTIs

Scoring 120 marks can provide candidates with a range of opportunities in NITs, IIITs, and GFTIs, though the most competitive branches may remain out of reach.

Chances of Securing a Seat in Certain Branches: With a percentile between 93 and 96, candidates stand a fair chance of admission in some branches at NITs, IIITs, and GFTIs. However, high-demand branches like Computer Science and Electronics are likely to have higher cutoff scores, requiring a higher percentile than what 120 marks typically yields.

Preferred Branches and Less Competitive Options: Candidates scoring around 120 may need to consider branches with lower competition, such as Civil, Chemical, or Metallurgical Engineering. These branches tend to have slightly lower cutoffs, making them accessible at a percentile between 93 and 96. Candidates interested in emerging fields or interdisciplinary branches might also find opportunities in niche areas where competition is relatively low.

State Quotas and Reservation Impact

The category under which a candidate applies significantly affects their chances of admission. Additionally, each NIT reserves a portion of seats for candidates from the same state, which can lower the required cutoff for local students.

  • Benefits for State and Reserved Category Candidates: Many NITs and GFTIs have seat reservations for local candidates. This can result in lower cutoffs for state candidates compared to all-India candidates. Similarly, candidates from reserved categories (SC, ST, OBC, EWS) have lower cutoff requirements, which can greatly enhance their chances of admission.
  • Influence of State Quotas on Cutoffs: State quotas impact the admission process by providing home state candidates with slightly relaxed cutoffs. This can be beneficial for candidates scoring around 120 marks, as they may still secure admission to an NIT within their home state.

Analysis of Possible Branches Available at This Percentile

To provide a realistic view of available options, here’s a sample list of branches that candidates scoring around 120 marks can expect to be eligible for, based on historical data.

  • Sample List of Available Branches: With a percentile range of 93-96, candidates might expect admission offers in branches like Civil, Metallurgy, Chemical, and Production Engineering in NITs or IIITs. GFTIs may offer additional options in similar branches, with some opportunities in less competitive fields.
  • Trends in Branch Popularity and Cutoff Variability: Branches like Computer Science, Electronics, and Electrical Engineering typically have high cutoffs, while branches like Biotechnology, Civil, and Mechanical Engineering tend to have lower cutoffs. Over the years, certain branches have grown in popularity, leading to higher cutoffs, while others remain relatively accessible for candidates with percentiles in the 93-96 range.

Strategies to Improve Percentile with 120 Marks as a Benchmark

If you scored around 120 marks in JEE Mains, you already have a solid foundation, typically placing you in the 93-96 percentile range. To boost your score further, a focused and strategic approach is essential. Here are some effective strategies to help improve your percentile with 120 marks as your starting benchmark.

Key Areas to Focus On for Improvement

Aiming for an improvement in score requires pinpointing high-yield topics across each subject and reinforcing understanding in these areas. With targeted preparation, students can make significant progress in a shorter period.

Physics: Start by focusing on core topics that frequently appear in the JEE Mains exam, such as Mechanics, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, and Optics. These topics are fundamental, and questions from these areas are typically straightforward if you have a strong conceptual understanding. For Mechanics, work on understanding Newton’s laws, motion, and rotational dynamics. In Electrostatics, mastering Coulomb’s law, electric fields, and potential is essential. Practising these high-weightage topics not only improves confidence but also helps in quickly gaining marks on exam day.

JEE Mains Physics Chapter wise weightage 

Chapter NameWeightage
Current Electricity9.90%
Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism6.60%
Alternating Current6.60%
Kinetic Theory of Gases & Thermodynamics6.60%
Work, Energy, and Power6.60%
Law of Motion6.60%
Centre Of Mass6.60%
Rotational Dynamics6.60%
Modern Physics6.60%
Wave Optics6.60%
Simple Harmonic Motion3.30%
Sound Waves3.30%
Error in Measurement3.30%
Circular Motion3.30%
Electromagnetic Waves3.30%

Chemistry: Chemistry in JEE Mains is divided into three main branches—Physical, Organic, and Inorganic Chemistry. Physical Chemistry topics like Chemical Kinetics, Thermodynamics, and Atomic Structure often contain calculative questions that, once understood, can be solved quickly. In Organic Chemistry, focus on reaction mechanisms, especially named reactions, which are common in JEE. For Inorganic Chemistry, prioritise topics like Chemical Bonding and periodic trends, as these often have predictable and pattern-based questions. A solid grasp of these topics will not only improve scores but also reduce the time required to answer questions accurately.

JEE Mains Chemistry Chapter wise weightage 

Transition Elements & Coordination Compounds9.90%
Periodic table, p-Block Elements9.90%
Atomic Structure6.60%
Chemical Bonding6.60%
Chemical And Ionic Equilibrium6.60%
Solid-State And Surface Chemistry6.60%
Nuclear & Environmental Chemistry6.60%
Thermodynamics & the Gaseous State6.60%
Mole Concept3.30%
Redox Reactions3.30%
Chemical Kinetics3.30%
Solution & Colligative Properties3.30%
General Organic Chemistry3.30%
Alkyl Halides3.30%
Carboxylic Acids & their Derivatives6.60%
Carbohydrates, amino acids, and Polymers6.60%
Aromatic Compounds6.60%

Mathematics: For Math, focus on major topics like Calculus, Coordinate Geometry, and Algebra. Calculus covers a large portion of the exam, so understanding limits, differentiation, and integration is vital. In Coordinate Geometry, work on equations of lines, circles, and parabolas, as these questions often have a straightforward approach. Algebra topics such as Quadratic Equations, Sequences, and Probability can yield high scores with adequate practice. Since Math tends to be calculative, consistent practice in these high-yield areas will increase speed and accuracy, both crucial for improving your score.

JEE Mains Mathematics Chapter wise weightage 

Chapter NameWeightage
Sequences & Series6.60%
Straight Lines6.60%
3-D Geometry6.60%
Permutations & Combinations3.30%
Complex Numbers3.30%
Binominal Theorem3.30%
Indefinite Integration3.30%
Definite Integration3.30%
Differential Equations3.30%
Height & Distance3.30%
Trigonometric Equations3.30%
The Area under the Curve3.30%
Quadratic Equations3.30%
Tangents and Normals3.30%
Maxima and Minima3.30%

Effective Time Management Techniques

Time management is a key factor in scoring well, as each question requires a strategic approach to maximise efficiency. Here are some practical methods to improve your time management skills:

  • Balancing Time Between Subjects: Start by identifying your weak areas in each subject. If Chemistry is a stronger subject, allocate less time to it and use the saved time to work on weaker areas like Math or Physics. This way, you’re focusing more on areas where there is room for improvement without neglecting your strong suits. Developing a balanced schedule ensures steady progress across all subjects.
  • Mock Test Timing and Strategy Adjustments: Taking regular mock tests can significantly impact performance by helping students gauge the time needed per section. During these tests, experiment with different strategies to determine what works best. For instance, try starting with your strongest subject first, as this can boost confidence and set a good pace for the rest of the exam. After each mock test, analyse where most of your time was spent and adjust your strategy accordingly. Tracking performance in mock tests also helps identify recurring mistakes and time-consuming questions, allowing you to refine your approach.

To enhance your practice, consider joining a structured test series like the Phodu Club JEE Test Series. Known for its high-quality mock tests, Phodu Club provides realistic JEE-level questions, helping you familiarise yourself with the exam’s rigour. These tests offer detailed analytics after each attempt, which helps identify strengths and weaknesses, providing specific insights on areas to improve. By regularly attempting these mocks, you can fine-tune your timing strategy, work on weak areas, and build up the stamina required for the actual exam.

Recommended Resources and Practice Material

Using the right resources can make a substantial difference in your preparation, especially as you aim to improve from a 120-mark benchmark.

  • Suggested Books and Online Resources: Choose high-quality books known for JEE preparation. For Physics, HC Verma’s Concepts of Physics and DC Pandey’s Physics for JEE Mains offer strong theory and practice questions. For Chemistry, OP Tandon’s Physical Chemistry, MS Chauhan’s Organic Chemistry, and NCERT for Inorganic Chemistry are excellent choices. For Math, RD Sharma’s Objective Mathematics and Arihant’s series by SK Goyal provide comprehensive practice and problem-solving techniques. These resources are popular among JEE aspirants for their structured content and alignment with JEE syllabus.
  • Online Platforms and Mock Test Series: In addition to books, online platforms like Unacademy, and Phodu Club offer extensive resources, including video lectures, live classes, and practice questions. Online test series, particularly from Phodu Club, offer a simulated testing experience with questions reflecting the JEE Mains pattern and difficulty level. Practising on these platforms allows you to learn from mistakes, gain confidence, and adapt to the online format.
  • Importance of Solving Past JEE Papers: Solving past papers is invaluable, as it exposes you to the exam’s structure, difficulty, and question patterns. Regularly working through past JEE papers familiarises you with recurring question types and highlights frequently tested topics. This approach not only helps in time management but also builds familiarity with the range of questions, reducing surprises on exam day. Aim to complete at least the past 5-10 years’ papers to get a solid grasp on the types of questions and their variations.

By following these strategies, managing your time effectively, and utilising recommended resources like the Phodu Club JEE Test Series, you can build on your 120-mark foundation and steadily work toward achieving a higher percentile. Consistent practice and review are essential for improvement, so stay committed to your schedule, regularly review your mistakes, and keep adapting based on your performance in mock tests and practice sessions. This disciplined approach will make a significant difference, potentially opening up more options in terms of college admissions and branch availability.


Scoring 120 marks in JEE Mains is a solid achievement, placing candidates in a respectable percentile range between 93 and 96. This score opens the door to numerous opportunities in reputable engineering institutions, particularly in branches with moderate competition. Although top branches like Computer Science and Electronics may require higher scores, candidates can still secure seats in other valuable programs, such as Civil or Chemical Engineering, at NITs, IIITs, and GFTIs. With the right strategies—focusing on high-yield topics, improving time management, and using targeted resources—students can enhance their understanding, increase their marks, and improve their percentile. This approach boosts their chances of gaining admission to a wider range of branches and institutions, maximising their options for a successful engineering career.

FAQs about Scoring 120 Marks in JEE Mains

1) Is scoring 120 marks enough for a good NIT branch?

Yes, but it may not be enough for highly competitive branches. It could, however, secure seats in branches like Civil or Metallurgy at certain NITs.

2) How much percentile can I expect with 120 marks in JEE Mains?

Typically, 120 marks yield a percentile between 93 and 96, though this can vary each year.

3) Can state quotas improve my chances of admission with a 120 score?

Yes, state quotas can improve admission chances, especially for home state candidates and reserved category applicants.

4) What are the best resources to prepare for scoring above 120 in JEE Mains?

HC Verma for Physics, OP Tandon for Chemistry, and RD Sharma for Math are highly recommended, along with online resources for practice tests.

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