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Is there negative marking in VITEEE? All you need to know (2025)

is there negative marking VITEEE
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Ever wondered about negative marking in VITEEE? Confused about the consequences of wrong answers? Many students face this dilemma during exam preparation. 

Understanding VITEEE’s marking scheme is crucial for success. This article demystifies the negative marking policy in VITEEE, ensuring clarity for aspiring candidates. With clear explanations and examples, you’ll grasp the implications of incorrect responses. 

Knowing how to navigate the VITEEE exam‘s scoring system enhances your strategic approach and boosts confidence on test day. Stay informed and make informed choices to maximise your performance in VITEEE. Let’s unravel the mysteries of negative marking together.

What is Negative Marking?

Imagine a game where you get points for right answers, but lose points for wrong ones! That’s negative marking in exams.

Think of JEE Mains or NEET. Each question has a mark, but if you choose the wrong answer, you lose a fraction of that mark. This deduction punishes guessing and rewards sure-fire answers.

Exams like these have many applicants and limited seats. Negative marking discourages random guessing, ensuring only well-prepared students with strong knowledge get selected. It’s like a filter, separating those who know from those who take lucky shots.

Understanding negative marking is crucial for effective exam preparation. Now, let’s explore if VITEEE 2024 incorporates negative marking.

Is there negative marking in VITEEE 2024?

No, there is no negative marking in VITEEE 2024. The official VITEEE website and brochure clearly state: “There will be no negative marking for incorrect answers.” This means you can attempt all questions without worrying about penalties.


  • Each correct answer gets you 1 mark.
  • There are 125 questions in total.
  • Focus on understanding the concepts and choosing the best answer.
  • Don’t be afraid to guess if you’re unsure, but only if you have eliminated some options.

Now that we know VITEEE 2024 doesn’t have negative marking, let’s delve into the advantages it offers to the test-takers.

What are the advantages of no negative marking in VITEEE 2024?

The absence of negative marking in VITEEE 2024 can reduce test anxiety and encourage candidates to attempt all questions without fear of losing marks. Let’s have a look at other couple of advantages:

what advantages no negative marking VITEEE

1)  Attempt all questions without fear of penalty:

Imagine walking into the exam hall without the pressure of losing marks for wrong guesses. No negative marking in VITEEE lets you do just that! You can confidently mark an answer on every question, knowing the worst-case scenario is simply not getting it right. This freedom takes away the fear of losing marks for trying, encouraging you to explore all options and approach questions with a positive mindset.

2) More time for confident guesswork:

Exams often involve tricky questions where you might be unsure of the absolute answer. But with no negative marking, you can use your valuable time strategically. If you can eliminate some answer choices, even a well-educated guess could earn you that precious mark. This flexibility allows you to consider all possibilities and make thoughtful guesses without the penalty of negative marking hanging over your head.

3) Increased focus on maximising correct answers:

Without the worry of negative marking, your focus shifts from avoiding wrong answers to maximising correct ones. You can spend more time understanding the questions you’re confident about, ensuring you get them right. This shift in approach allows you to delve deeper into your strengths and avoid getting bogged down by the fear of losing marks. Remember, every correct answer counts, and no negative marking empowers you to focus on maximising your score in this way.

Bonus tip: While negative marking isn’t there, don’t make wild guesses on every question. Use your best judgement and knowledge to eliminate wrong options before making a calculated guess. Remember, it’s always better to leave a question blank than answer incorrectly if you have no clue.

With the understanding of the benefits of no negative marking, let’s explore effective strategies for the VITEEE exam in the absence of this scoring system.

VITEEE Exam Strategy with No Negative Marking

Remember, even though VITEEE doesn’t have negative marking, a strong strategy is crucial for success. Here’s how you can ace the exam:

VITEEE exam strategy no negative marking

1) Plan Smart:

  • Structure Your Study: Divide your study time between all sections (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, English). Create a schedule that works for you and stick to it.
  • Know the Syllabus: Thoroughly understand the exam syllabus and weightage of each section. Focus your time accordingly.
  • Gather Resources: Use quality study materials, textbooks, and online resources like mock tests and previous year papers.

2) Maximise Score:

  • Prioritise Strengths: Identify your strongest areas in each subject. Answer these questions first with confidence to ensure you score maximum marks.
  • Educated Guesses: Don’t leave questions blank! Analyse unsure questions, eliminate obviously wrong options, and make an educated guess.
  • Review Wisely: Don’t spend too much time on any single question. Move on and review your answers before the end. Use any remaining time to double-check your work in strong sections.

3) Time Management:

  • Practice Under Pressure: Take timed practice tests to get used to the exam format and manage time effectively.
  • Calculate Wisely: Divide the exam time according to the number of questions and weightage of each section.
  • Don’t Panic: Stay calm and focused during the exam. Breathe, read questions carefully, and avoid rushing through answers.

4) Practice Makes Perfect:

  • Regular Mock Tests: Take regular mock tests to simulate the actual exam experience and identify areas for improvement. Phodu Club’s VITEEE mock tests equip you with the skills and confidence to dominate VITEEE!
  • Analyse Performance: Review your mock test results to understand your strengths and weaknesses. Focus on improving your weaker areas.
  • Practice Time Management: Manage time effectively in mock tests to develop a strong strategy for the actual exam.


  • Stay Positive: Believe in yourself and your abilities. Stay motivated and focused on your goal.
  • Get Enough Sleep: Ensure you get a good night’s sleep before the exam to be well-rested and alert.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water during the exam to stay focused and avoid fatigue.

By following these strategies and practising consistently, you can maximise your score in VITEEE and achieve your dream of studying at VIT.


In summary, VITEEE does not have negative marking. This means that students won’t lose marks for incorrect answers. Understanding this aspect is crucial for effective exam strategy. 

Focus on accurate responses, as each correct answer contributes to your overall score. Take advantage of this opportunity to maximise your performance without the fear of penalty. Prepare diligently, manage your time wisely during the exam, and approach each question with confidence. 

Knowing the absence of negative marking simplifies the approach, allowing students to concentrate on showcasing their knowledge and skills. Stay informed, stay calm, and give your best effort on exam day.

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